No matter if you're rooting for the Atlanta Falcons or the New England Patriots at the upcoming 2017 Super Bowl, we can all cohesively agree we're rooting for one person to put on her best performance yet: Lady Gaga!
Yes, after putting on an insane performance of the National Anthem last year, Mother Monster will take the stage for the Super Bowl LI Halftime Show, and it's already looking like it will make history.
Here's everything we know about it so far:
She's Prepared Her Whole Life: "I've been planning this since I was 4, so I know exactly what I'm going to do," the singer said in a promotional behind-the-scenes video for the show. "For me, it's all about giving to the fans and bringing people together that wouldn't normally come together. The thing is, it's such a big world stage in terms of how many people see it and it's been done so many times."
She Wants It to Be a Family Experience: In October, Gaga revealed what she hopes the performance will do for viewers across the nation. "I want every guy's girlfriend in his arms…I want every husband and wife kissing…every kid laughing," she told Radio Disney. "In my mind they're having this really powerful family experience watching the Super Bowl."
She Looked Back at Former Icons' Shows for Inspiration: Mother Monster made sure to study musicians who led the massive show in the years before her. For example, she told Radio Disney, "Michael Jackson was incredible. I also loved Diana Ross. To be honest, I loved all of the halftime shows. Bruce Springsteen—my father was a big fan—I really loved his halftime show too. I want people to feel the patriotism of the event."
But She Wants to Do Things Different: In the behind-the-scenes video, she explained, "I think the challenge is to look at it and say, 'What can I do differently? How can I elevate certain little things here and there, and also make it about the music?' This is where I'm supposed to be."
So She's Performing on the Roof of the NRG Stadium: Speaking to Mix 104.1 on Monday morning, Gaga confirmed the reports that she will kickoff the performance on the roof of the Super Bowl stadium, and we can thank her sister, Natali, for that idea!
She's Been Rehearsing Non-Stop: And it started a full month before the big game. At first, she built a dance floor in her backyard to practice before flying out to Houston last week where she's continued daily rehearsals ever since.
She's All Been Training Non-Stop: Gaga has been putting in extra hours to get fit for the performance, training daily. "Training. Everyday all day," she captioned this pic, adding, "#superbowl #halftime."
Ricky Jackson Is Doing the Choreography: In the behind-the-scenes video, Jackson opened up about his plans for the show. He's also been tweeting about the exhausting days and how excited he is to be working with Gaga for the big show. "Hugging @ladygaga saying ;I can't believe we made it here! The #SuperBowl,'" he wrote earlier this week
"Bad Romance" Might Be Involved: In the BTS video, Jackson teaches choreography to Gaga's dancers as "Bad Romance" resounds in the background. Perhaps that's a telling sign the hit will be part of her performance!?
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