Nigerian Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, on Friday raised the alarm over planned attacks by Muslim Brotherhood, an affiliate of the insurgency group, Boko Haram. The group is said to be acquiring bomb-making chemicals, high-calibre weapons and other sophisticated weapons like shoulder-fired rocket launchers for use in attacks against banks, arms depots and prisons. This was disclosed in a statement the minister released on Friday, explaining that intelligence monitoring has proven that the cell is intensifying efforts to improve its IED-making capability through the acquisition of such chemicals as Sodium Azide (for producing improvised detonators), Potassium Chlorate (alternative to ammonium nitrate used for producing IEDs) and Aluminium Powder (a fuel source for amplifying explosions). Mohammed said, “One Usman, an IED apprentice, left the cell some time back to join Islamic State in Libya. The new desire to acquire IED precursor chemicals could suggest that Usman ...
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